Friday, March 18, 2011

Democracy Now

The media democracy movement aims to change the current mass media system into one that is more diverse and less consolidated, that offers a balance of commercial and noncommercial programming, and that fosters the informed debate essential to democracy. This series of interconnected Fact Sheets gives an overview of the mass media system and Its issues are concerned about what happen in world like right now the situation in Japan, in Libya or more others. the concerns of the media democracy movement. In my country we have some medias almost like Democracy Now, there are “independent”, “good morning” etc. I think Democracy Now! is an independent syndicated program of news, analysis, and opinion aired by more than 700 radio, television, satellite and cable TV networks in North America. ...

Hadia Tangara...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Volunteer Experience

A volunteer experience I have been was to participated  wedding of my uncle. My help was first, informed some people about the wedding, I sent more messages and called more people also. I have found with the friends, a good DJ for the music. I helped also the people to make good look the place with the lights, the flowers, etc. In the finish, I drove some people from their destination.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The most women feel separate of others people, some reasons can be because they are not interesting, not ideal women, or may be they have a bad image in their life. We must help women, to share with them their problems, give them indirectly our advice, don't push them to do something, to be comprehensible with them etc. because the women play an important place in our society. It is the women who follow usually our kids education, our kids health, etc...  We can profite, for this day to show (men) at all women the forgiveness, the love, the considerations and others kind the donations, like give the food, the clothes, etc...

Hadia Tangara...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What is your idea of the perfect romantic date?

My idea of the perfect romantic date are much, but I want tell you the best. The best romantic date is to be just alone with your love somewhere quiet, like home for example, then you can watch a romantic movie, give kiss, the caress etc.. Also the best way can be if you have time to go out like in club, at movie, or just walk to the mall. There are many ways to enjoy a romantic date, it's just everybody has his or her own choice.

Hadia Tangara...

11. "Man in the Mirror" Michael Jackson (Pop)

I think like it means that he's gonna wanna make a really big change, but he has to start with himself. He sees all these kids out in the streets, barely eating, and all this other stuff that he ignored at first. He says the lines "who am I to be blind with pretending not to see their needs." So he looks into the mirror and asks himself. so he starts with himself to make a big change...starting small. The message in this song is simply that, "If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change." Basically, if you want to change the world, change yourself first. This is a song that deals with Poverty and the peoples lack of responsiblitiy for the sick and dying. I think this song is important also in the black story, because much black people live in poverty.

Hadia Tangara...